You are able to add additional insured endorsements to your policy. These endorsements add modified, custom language to your certificate of insurance.
We’ve given you the ability to create certificates of insurance with additional insured endorsements in your mobile app or NEXT customer account. Get instructions on how to add these endorsements to your policy here.
Additional Insureds typically have requirements for which endorsements they would like to see on the Certificate. If you are unsure, it is best to contact them to determine if any of our available endorsements should be selected.
These are the most commonly requested endorsements that we offer:
The ongoing operations endorsement (code CG2010), reassures the recipient that your coverage applies to the work you’re doing for them as you do it. This endorsement is available for general liability policies.
The completed operations endorsement, (code CG2037), reassures the recipient that your coverage will still apply to the work you’re doing for them when you’ve finished. This endorsement is available for general liability policies.
The primary and non-contributory endorsement promises that in the event of an eligible claim, we’ll be the first to pay out and won’t try to get the recipient’s insurance to chip in. This endorsement is available for general liability policies (endorsement code NXT-0084 BM GL 0218).
The waiver of subrogation endorsement promises that in the event of an eligible claim, we’ll be the first to pay out and won’t try and recoup our losses from the recipient’s insurance. Please note that this change usually causes an increase in premium, and you can review your new monthly premium and the one-time charge that is due before adding to your policy. This endorsement is available for general liability (endorsement code CG 24 04 12 19) and workers' compensation (endorsement code WC 00 03 13). Our errors and omissions (professional liability) policies have this coverage built-in, and we can add this custom language to a certificate of insurance upon request.