You can cancel your policy at any time with no penalties, but we're sorry to see you go.
Once you follow the prompts and submit your request, we'll process the cancellation effective the date you choose in the prompt.
It is important to note that you can only cancel one policy at a time. For example, if you have General Liability and Inland Marine insurance, you would have to go through these steps twice, once for Inland Marine and once for General Liability.
If you'd like to only cancel one policy while keeping another, this is possible!
Just go through this process with the insurance coverage you would like to be canceled. You’ll receive a confirmation email for each line canceled and a pro-rated refund within a few business days.
To cancel your policy:
1. Log in to your NEXT customer account.
2. Go to the "Coverage" tab in the menu and select "My Coverage"
3. Click the three blue dots on the policy you’d like to cancel and click “Cancel Policy”.
4. Read over the statement, select a cancellation date and reason for cancellation and click “Cancel Coverage”.