If you are experiencing some issues accessing the NEXT App, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can do to resolve the issue.
1. Try logging out and back into the app if possible. This may resolve the issue and allow you to access it normally.
2. Try checking to see if the app has any updates. The issues could be related to the app being out of date.
3. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. This would likely resolve any issues when accessing the app.
If none of the above steps worked, you can always access your account through our website instead! You would just need to log in here and access your account online instead of through the app!
If you need anything else or experience problems, you can reach us by clicking “chat with us” at the very bottom of the help center page. This is the quickest way to talk to a team member. Business hours for our support team are Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm CST.